I received my second blood test result this year. It was an improvement for my cholesterol and blood sugar levels although my cholesterol is still one point above normal range. I’ve been super conscious of my health since 2018 when I felt dizzy and the doctor said it was positional vertigo and could also be due to high cholesterol. In terms of physical health, the genes are stacked against me but I try to be as healthy as possible. Mama had aneurysm at 61 years old and so this paranoia over staying healthy consumes me as I become more and more middle aged.
There was a time when I went to the gym for exercise but stopped due to schedule issues (it was after office and I was tired already) so I just found Youtube influencers as my fitness buddy such as EMK Fit and Up to the Beat Fit by Gina B. I had to check which exercises appeal to me. I don’t like jumping ones so standing dance workouts and Pilates suit me perfectly.
Food choices are still a struggle sometimes especially with junk food but I’m limiting canned and processed food which are high in sodium. I watched this Netflix documentary called “Hack your Health: the Secrets of your Gut” which explores the inner workings of our digestive system. My key takeaway is that the recommended daily intake that is beneficial for you is 4 to 5 types of fruit or vegetables. This way your gut will thank you, it functions well and lessens sickness. I literally count how many veggies or fruits I eat per day after I saw this film.
My food hack is stir fry. A few drops of cooking oil, garlic, onions, some form of meat (I like minced because it’s easy to cook and digest) and your choice of vegetables in season, oyster sauce or any sauce that you prefer. More veggies, less meat and cooking is done in 10 to 15 minutes tops. I just discovered mushrooms, in the past I only eat mushrooms as a gravy topping or as part of pancit but never the main ingredient. Airfrying is also better I think because you get the crunchiness minus the excessive oil.
Fruits in season are budget friendly and great alternatives to sweet cravings. Everything in moderation. Easy to say but hard to practice. I normally have weekends or special occasions as an excuse to reward myself and weekdays as the reality checks.
I’m writing this because good health is truly a blessing. Less hospital bills, more time to enjoy your life and get active with the ones you love. We only have one body, and it needs lots of love and attention.