I bought hangers today. It is sort of a big deal because I don’t normally buy practical stuff. My go-to purchases were always books, journals and food. It means I’m finally growing up in terms of arranging my things. My Ma used to nag me for being messy. I always tell myself it is creative chaos but becoming a mother and realizing how I am now her, getting mad at my son for the exact same reason, it all comes full circle. He needs to learn far more than me in organization.
I was able to watch Marie Kondo’s Netflix series on tidying up, purposefully knowing which item sparks joy and what to throw away. I also learned that putting items in a box and cleaning one area at a time helps a lot in decluttering. She also had a session with folding clothes. I still have to master that skill. Other people find it relaxing but for me, it is a painful thing to do. Hence, hangers. Hanging them means less folding.
Organizing stuff comes with age. I am now at peace with minimalism. The fewer things I have, the easier to sort them out. I don’t collect or hoard items now. Except for some books. It’s freedom.